Adam has started to eat "real food." I decided that I didn't want to spend all of our vacation money on baby food, so I've been making my own things for Adam to eat. He loves carrots, sweet potatoes, and apples. Actually he has pretty much liked everything we've fed him except for green beans. Unfortunately, that is what I made the most of. Any recommendations for other foods that your babies liked? He insists on feeding himself and is usually more interested in his booster seat than in the food, but we're getting there. He also loves cheerios.
Although he tries really hard, Adam can't quite crawl. He definitely gets around though. I'll look up from folding laundry or reading a book and he is on the other side of the room! He gets up on all fours, scoots his legs up under his body, and then falls forward on his chest. It's his own unique version of the worm, but it's working! We've started baby proofing the house which is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds, and it seems the best way to do it is by trial and error. We block things that we think he will get into, and then he ends up messing with something we didn't even think of. What am I going to do when this kid is walking!?
Adam has officially grown out of his mullet, but some of the long hairs still remain. Our neighbor does hair and his going to give him a little trim around the ears and neck. First haircut!
I thought Adam was teething because he was showing all the signs, but it was a false alarm. He is still toothless.
Adam doesn't quite sleep through the night yet, but he is so good at going down for bed that waking up for 10 minutes to feed him twice between 7:30-7:30 doesn't even bother me... Matt says the real reason it doesn't bother me is because I've forgotten what it's like to sleep for 6+ hours straight, which is probably true. We usually give Adam a bath around 7:00 which he loves, lotion him up and get his jammies on, and then feed him and read stories. We lay him down around 7:30 and he is fast asleep by 8. I love spending all day with Adam, but I have to admit that I am excited when 7:00 rolls around. It's nice to have the evenings with Matt to wind down and read, watch a movie, or work on the computer without feeling like I'm neglecting my child.

Adam is already fitting into his 9-month clothes, although they are a tad big. At his last appointment, he weighed 17.8 lbs (49%) and was 24.5 inches long (13%). He was in the 97% though for head size! Hah! We got a kick out of that.
Stranger danger is a real thing. We've also learned that Adam hates facial hair and is suspicious of people with dark/thick rimmed glasses. He cries whenever anyone with either of these features tries to hold him. And when my brother tries to hold him... even though Ashton has neither glasses or facial hair.
Adam is happiest when he is outside. He loves going on walks, laying in the grass, eating the grass, etc. He also loves dogs. My parents have a big, black golden doodle named Riley. Adam will try to grab Riley's fur and just giggles the whole time. He is also interested in faces, specifically noses.
We sure do love this chubby, blue eyed babe!
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