Friday, January 15, 2016

Happy Anniversary

Matt and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this week.  Three years!  I can't even believe it!  I've been doing some reflecting over the last few days about all that has happened in just three years.  We've really packed it in!-- We've each had two different jobs, lived in two apartments, had several cars, gone on many trips, had a baby, and so many more wonderful things.  We've also had a lot of learning to do.  I mean, I squeeze the toothpaste from the middle and Matt rolls from the bottom and I clean up the dishes as I'm cooking dinner and Matt likes to do it all at the end.  These are, of course, the minor things, but really, I feel like I've learned more about myself, about how to treat others, and about God's plan for us in these three years than in the rest of my life combined!  I'm so happy to be married to such a hardworking and selfless man who still leaves me notes on the fridge and surprises me with a full tank of gas.  I can't wait to see what the next few years have in store for us!

Here are a few pictures from our wedding-- Actually, these were taken about 2 weeks before.  We must have really loved each other being able to smile that big in 20 degree weather!  Our photographer, Emily, was so awesome to work with.  You can check out her stuff here if you're looking to have some pictures taken!

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