As I was browsing Facebook shortly after the New Year, I saw a post from a girl, Erin, that Matt works with. The post was all about how someone told her she wasn't adventurous, so she made a goal in 2015 to be more adventurous, and the post showed pictures and listed all of the adventurous things that she did- trips, buying a car, etc. It was so inspiring! No one has ever told me that I'm not adventurous, but I totally am not adventurous. When I was in high school I think I was a little more spontaneous, but all within bounds. Same with my freshman year of college, but again within bounds. I've always been a "Susie Schoolwork/Rule Keeper," and I don't really want to change that, BUT I think my life has become pretty routine and predictable, and Erin has inspired me to change!
I've been thinking over what I could do this year to go out of my comfort zone and challenge myself, and I decided that I needed a BANG to get me going. So... I asked my bff neighbor, Lacey, to dye my hair! Ahh!
Ok, ok, I know what you all are thinking--- "That's the big bang?" So, here is some background into my hair's history: I have gone through bouts of love and hate with my hair. I finally convinced my parents to let me highlight it when I was in 9th grade. My mom did a at-home kit and I ended up with full on polka dots all over my head. It was a nightmare! We drove to her friend's house who professionally fixed it, but the colors were off and it was just awful. I vowed never to color my hair again... and let it grow out, which was a long and painful and ugly process.
Then, when I was a missionary, one of my companions, Kendra, found out that I had never dyed my hair and somehow persuaded me to let her do it. It was fun and just a little redder and no one even really noticed. However, my hair grows pretty fast and before long I had dark brown roots coming in. I had my next companion, Jillann, dye it darker again, which also worked out nicely for a little while, but with it being summer and being outside all of the time, the color started to lighten. About this time I had also had my hair cut by a Romanian woman who I don't think really understood what I wanted and just cut it how she cut her own super thick hair aka she thinned my out all over and I had a straight up mullet. No, I will not show you pictures. So, I was looking really good... When I got home from my mission I had my sister do 8 week dyes until my hair finally grew out of the mess that was dying my hair on my mission.
So, now that you know more about my hair than you ever wanted to, you will understand why this was a HUGE DEAL. I tried backing out a week before hand, but Lacey wouldn't let me...
And here are the results!
It's a super subtle melt and I have to admit that I totally freaked out at first and couldn't decide if I liked it or not, but now, a week later, I LOVE IT!